Monday, December 3, 2012


  1. I do plan to follow some of the 10 tips that Smashing Magazine suggests. However, I am not making a logo for myself yet because I need more time to figure out exactly what skills I wish to sell. I do agree that having an effective title is important. 
  2. I already have a tagline, but it might need tweaking.
  3. My portfolio definitely needs to be completed; I'm not sure if I will embed the pictures to that page or just links to my wordpress blog where I have the pics already.
  4. Services seems a bit overkill to me b/c I'm not in the job market quite yet.
  5. My about me already has a picture, but I need to add a quick and witty bio.
  6. My contact info will include more info than I have at the moment. Inserting a form would be cool if I could find one online.
  7. My wordpress blog will be a clear link on probably several of the pages.
  8. I may try to add buttons that say "View my Work" and/or "Visit my Blog", etc.
  9. Social network links will be featured on my Contact Me page.
  10. I will also choose my words carefully, making sure to edit all my text.

I really like the sites that are easy to navigate but also showcase the person's work clearly. I like simple layouts with a few main elements; in other words, I like the sites that emphasize the content rather than the site itself.

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