Monday, December 3, 2012

#11 (usability test)

My test will focus on the key words from the reading: speed, recall, accuracy and comfort.

  1. Can you tell what my objective is from the home page
  2. Rate the interest-level of the About Me page on a scale of 1(extremely boring) to 10 (extremely interesting)
  1. What do you remember the most about the About Me?
  2. Was it easy to navigate around the site?
  3. What were the most interesting sections to you? Why?
  4. Rate your feelings towards the layout of the website on a scale of 1(very negative) to 10(extremely positive).
  5. Rate the text on a scale of 1(boring/too long, I can't read this) to 10(engaging and focused).
  6. Any suggestions?
    • how can I make my site more visually entertaining?

ANSWERS to my test:

-Yes. A portfolio/project site.

-yes, clear
- super clear and user friendly

-6 I think it’s good but needs more pictures instead of just words.

-more pictures to brighten up the page a bit
-8 because I like all the work!

-I liked the portfolio section. You had a lot of things to show and again, it was organized very well.



-10, great layout
-I like it a lot!! I like the transition of it

   10(engaging and focused).

-10, the text was to the point and focused
-awake, alert and alive

o   how can I make my site more visually entertaining?

-Adding more pictures. Also, writing a bio under your about me section.
-add more photos, or maybe brighten it up just a little bit with a different color.
-just spruce it up with some attention grabbing text/ colors!


  1. I do plan to follow some of the 10 tips that Smashing Magazine suggests. However, I am not making a logo for myself yet because I need more time to figure out exactly what skills I wish to sell. I do agree that having an effective title is important. 
  2. I already have a tagline, but it might need tweaking.
  3. My portfolio definitely needs to be completed; I'm not sure if I will embed the pictures to that page or just links to my wordpress blog where I have the pics already.
  4. Services seems a bit overkill to me b/c I'm not in the job market quite yet.
  5. My about me already has a picture, but I need to add a quick and witty bio.
  6. My contact info will include more info than I have at the moment. Inserting a form would be cool if I could find one online.
  7. My wordpress blog will be a clear link on probably several of the pages.
  8. I may try to add buttons that say "View my Work" and/or "Visit my Blog", etc.
  9. Social network links will be featured on my Contact Me page.
  10. I will also choose my words carefully, making sure to edit all my text.

I really like the sites that are easy to navigate but also showcase the person's work clearly. I like simple layouts with a few main elements; in other words, I like the sites that emphasize the content rather than the site itself.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

#9 (Storyboard)

Response to #8

1. Kayli Smith
Like: Because you are passionate about photography and the visual mode, you will be able to translat this into the project. Good idea!
Suggestions: Be careful with the music; make sure you pick music that reflects how you feel about photography, whether it be playful or classical or something happy

2. Spencer Scott

3. Erin Reams

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

#8 (Literacy Narrative Outline)

My narrative will be about my parents' contribution to my love of reading, which translated into my love of writing. (Linguistic mode)
My mom was the reader. Many nights were spent in my room listening as she reads stories (everything ranging from "Goodnight Moon" to "Where the Red Fern Grows").
My dad was the storyteller. His "Daddy Stories" were a bedtime favorite.
Both helped expand my imagination and show me the power words can have.

I will Skype-interview my parents and ask them to recount these bedtime story moments. I will ask them to share their feelings and how I accepted/loved these times.
To mix up the narrative, I will included audio bits of me (or my parents, if I can get them to do it) sharing excerpts of "daddy stories" and reading pieces of stories. Their voices would really add to the audio.

I also want background music, but this will have to be chosen carefully. Because I was a kid when I first started loving words, I should use music that feels kiddish or at least alludes to childhood.

I will have a brief intro, either of me talking, or jump right into my parents' audio, with an explanation afterwords. I could also do some other intro, like a stop-motion of me reading, or do a video of me reading with an audio overlay describing my love of reading.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

#7 (Reviews of Project 2 Drafts)

I did not get any feedback on my webtext (we ran out of time), but I learned much from editing the other sites in my group.
I had/have much to edit on my draft. Today, I fixed all the links and the general setup of both projects 1 and 2. Now, all I really have left is the content for project 2.
This will include the comparisons/contrasts (containing the vocab) and the screen shots of my sources. I also have to add the content of the home pages, and all the other pages. One thing I want to avoid with the content is wordiness and too much length. I can achieve this by not being redundant and spacing out the text with images so the viewer doesn't get bored.
Today, I enlarged the font size throughout the entire site, increasing visibility.
I am happy with the general layout of my webtext because it is simple without being boring. However, I will try to add a few more images to really make it interesting.

Post #6 (Sources)

Assets List

1.web address: ("No" Site #1)

  • author: ambiguous, organization called "NO on I 502"; site title: "Vote No, I 502"; publication venue: blog on
  •  This web source is a blog without a specific author that I could find. It has everything from FAQ to "In the Media" to informational pages about marijuana. Except for the little information about the author/organization, the ethos seems to be established. The archives links shows that posts date all the way back to January 2011-- that's a lot of information and time to gather resources for this subject! The blog's theme is about how I-502 is the wrong way to change laws regarding marijuana use (especially while driving) because the level that would be illegal is not scientifically proven to necessarily cause impairment. It disclaims that it is not opposed to changing the law, just how I-502 would go about it. The blog posts range from public event notices to voter advice to news updates.
  • this source is extremely relevant to my issue, as it is one of 2 sides I am inspecting; I will have to sort through different articles, sampling only a few (because there are so many); mostly, I will just look at ones that strike me as effective according to the principles of design. I can compare this to the other "vote no" site

2.web address: ("No" Site #2)

  • author: Dr. William Wahl, Kathleen Naughton, and Ryan Bird; site title: "Choice Wellness Center"; publication venue: website
  • This site is mostly devoted to "helping people live better, stronger, more fulfilling lives through informed choices and natural products" a.k.a. marijuana. It appears to be informational, with an emphasis on the well-being of those who visit the site; these would be medical marijuana users. It has everything you need to know about marijuana, including state laws. The site clearly advises its viewers to vote no on Prop 502, and a whole page listing the reasons is given.
  • I can use this site to compare to the one above it because it takes a different approach to the topic. Its interests are not solely political, but based on supposed care for those dependent on medical marijuana.

3.web address: ("Yes" Site #3)

  • author: New Approach Washington (a coalition of Washington citizens); site title:"Yes on I-502"; publication venue: website
  • "New Approach" is a bunch of average people (doctors, lawyers, treatment and prevention experts, business people, and parents, to be exact) who believe that Washington should stop wasting law enforcement resources on adults who use marijuana. Treating marijuana use as a crime, according to this site, has failed. Voting yes is supposed to address these problems.  The site has many pages (About, Sponsor, Funding are a few to note) but has a News feed linked to articles instead of blog posts. The FAQ and Learn More buttons could be useful for anyone exploring this topic.
  • I can compare/contrast this site with the site below, exploring which one is more likely me to vote "yes."

4.web address: ("Yes" Site #4)

  • author: the National Organization for Reforming Marijuana Laws (NORML); site title: "Working to Reform Marijuana Laws"; publication venue: website.
  • The mission of this organization is to "move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty." This site is the most complex out of all of them, with 10 separate pages, and interestingly, language options at the top of the page. This organization clearly means business!
  • As stated above, I will compare these sites, although I can already infer which one has won this battle

All of my sources fall under Fair Use rights because they are public sites and can be easily accessed via any search engine. Most importantly, I am only using these sources for a non-profit and educational analysis. 


For all my resources I will put links to the webpages at the bottom of the pages they are on, as well as making a "Source" page where viewers can jump right to each website.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Post #5 (9/27/12)

1. The Dove Campaign

  • The cute, non-traditional blue background is feminine but not cliche (ex. pink would have made it so); it caters towards a specific audience, specifically younger women.
  • The layout is simple, easy to access and easy to navigate without being boring
  • The font is big enough for younger (and older) eyes and is easy to read (and I imagine, basic enough to show up on most browsers)
  • Navigating through the pictures is easy thanks to the links


  • The only thing is that if I didn't know what the assignment for this webtext was, I would be confused if I clicked on the picture links at the top of the page before reading the text. Just putting the picture links at the bottom may have cleared up any confusion.

2. Life-based  Web Comics

  • The main-page scroll bar is a neat idea for navigation
  • The cartoon characters are an inventive way to keep the audience's attention while presenting information; they also provide the minimal structure of the scroll bar's content
  • The simplistic design is refreshing and lets the cartoons stand out


  • The scroll bar is a good idea for the content, but I wish it could have been placed on a separate page, and no the home page. "About" should have come first, with links to the scroll bar.
  • The content should have been more clearly labelled; it seems to ramble a bit. The topics were hard to follow, although they changed from slide to slide; the visuals helped in this.

Organizing My Own Webtext
Based on what I've seen and feel works the best, I'm going to have the Home page describe the project and what I plan to do. I will have links to another page that will, in turn, be broken down into the 2 categories "Editorials" and "Websites". Each of these pages will compare/contrast their respective resources.
I want to be upbeat and slightly witty with my content to make it more interesting for the audience and get them truly interested. I also want to keep the text as short as possible so it does not drag on.
For my style, because my topic is on marijuana, I will incorporate lots of green. Also, I plan to use a couple graphics to spice up my homepage, as well as link to the other information. My font will be pretty basic; most likely I will use sans-serif headings and sub-headings, and a basic serif for the body content.
I want my rhetorical analysis to be clear, easy to navigate, and visually appealing too! I will cater the layout towards a younger audience to make the site more fun.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Post #4: Pitch for Project 2

For Project 2, I will be looking at Initiative 502. 502 would require the legislature to change current law related to the possession, sale and use of marijuana. If passed, the initiative would license and regulate marijuana production, distribution, and possession for people over twenty-one; remove state-law criminal and civil penalties for activities that it [the initiative] authorizes; tax marijuana sales; and reserve marijuana-related revenues. 
What intrigued me most about this topic when I researched it was the surplus of medial support for one side. There is a lack of media attempting to persuade the public against voting for 502. That being said, I did find 2 websites devoted to 502 opposition.These can be found at and I also will examine an editorial from the Seattle Times,  The first webpage has links to other pages that might help one decide against this initiative; the second is an informative blog that, upon first glance, appears to make valid (backed by research) arguments against 502. The editorial contains opinion, and hopefully some research.
The supportive media was easier to find. Included in this category are a Seattle Times Editorial,; an official-looking website,; and an article from the Daily Evergreen,,-legal-battle-in-Washington-state-will-ensue. I chose these resources because they seem to present their views in a clear fashion, with both opinion and research. I also particularly included the Evergreen editorial because it expresses a fellow students' view on the issue.
My project will be a webpage, or a series of pages, that will rhetorically analyze the opposing sides of the issue and the effectiveness of each resource. I will group the three newspaper articles close together and compare/contrast them. Next I will compare/contrast the 2 pro-502 sites with the against-502 website. Perhaps examining these texts will show that Washington is getting close to legalizing Marijuana, which could possibly explain the imbalance of support versus opposition. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Post 3 (Tues. 9/4)

 ix Tutorial Responses

 1. My attention is drawn to the notepad. The clutter around the notepad is a bit distracting, though, and the camera could've been more zoomed up on the sketchpad. However, the text, dark on a blank canvas, is effective because it stands out from the clutter.

 2. This is "emphasis" because the moment of stillness allows the audience time to digest the first page. It effectively emphasizes the content and thus the theme of the project.

3. A.) The choppy, upbeat tempo emphasizes the choppiness of the stop-motion.
B.) The techno sound lends the clip a robotic feel that ties into the sketch on the 2nd page.

 1. The brighter text contrasts with the dark background; the dark, static background contrasts with the moving, colorful cartoon; the narration contrasts with the background music. This creates a choppy effect that grabs the viewers attention. If they did not contrast, the message would be lost/ignored.

2.  The music and narrator still contrast, and the text contrasts with the background, but now the main focus is the message represented linguistically. I think the cartoon was deleted to emphasize the text and make it more important and impossible to miss.

3.  My flyer would have a figure (or 2) from the cartoon on a black background, with the text in lighter color. This would make both the cartoon and the text stand out, while putting the most emphasis on the message so people could clearly understand it.

In the beginning of our lives, we are born alone into society/the world, shown by the bar code on the man's foot. The woman exiting through the door signifies how humans embark on their life journeys alone, and struggles are perceived and overcome individually. The picture of the cake toppers signifies how society allows humans to find each other, to join up with someone and experience the journey together. The picture of the crowd exemplifies the joy found in sharing life with others. But in the end, the cemetery reminds us that the journey ends as it began: alone. (Sorry if that's depressing, it isn't to me :D)

2. There are many different arguments! I could have talked about society taking away our individuality, for example.

3. To make my piece stronger I could use sad, classical music for the slideshow. I could also use text to enhance the meaning; captions would help, and including my story would make the message clear.

1. 'Murmuring' is aligned left and 'insects' is aligned right. The unusual alignment gives the whole piece a strong feel of being outside, by a lake, at twilight. It makes the message clearer as well as more interesting.

2.  The words are now aligned middle and right, but still reflected in the same way. I can tell that these scenes are linked because of the alignment and this helps conveys one message. If the scenes shared nothing, I would be confused and probably lose interest in the text.

3. The alignment enhances the effect of each element represented: earth, horizontal like the horizon and flat like the ground, air, coming out of the sky as air does. The words are falling like the 'debris' mentioned in the audio.

4. The curvature of the words is like a tear, which aligns with what the man says (something about a tear, I couldn't quite hear everything in the audio).

5. I think the three menus are not aligned because it does not matter which one is viewed first. They are all separate but together. They form one piece commemorating the 9/11 disaster.

1. I grouped them by placing them closer together.

2. The most important pieces are the title and the picture; both give information about the novel. I made the title bigger and bolder than the rest of the text. I also placed the image in the center of the blank space to separate the title/subtitle and the author's name and to showcase the seagull in flight.

3. I would like to have the seagull flying off the page, but that makes the whole thing off-balanced, which is not traditional. I find that, although visually balanced, traditional layouts can be boring. I would like to spice up the cover by placing things in odd places, like perhaps having the title tilted to create the illusion that the words are flying with the bird, etc.